First problem:
IT IS a good idea to feed babies when they're hungry. That's not caving. That's being a good mom.
It is the very RARE baby whose metabolism is so slow that they don't need to eat at night. Most do (1-3x) until they're about 1. ((I had a fast grower who needed to eat during growth spurts until 3yo.
Its sounds like your daughter may have had the super sluggish metabolism (sigh. We girls get the short end of THAT stick more often than not!), but your son sounds like a normal baby.
Now... You CAN break his spirit so that he knows his needs will not be met, no matter what... But that's generally not recommended (also part of why baby wise books are taught in nursing, med, psych, and early childhood education ... So that practitioners can educate their patients & clients on why to never use those methods. Ugh. That book has caused so many deaths, and so many more failure to thrive, brain damage, organ damage etc. But I digress. You're not using those methods, yay!!! So back on target.)
Feed him.
If you're not a single mom (or arent married to soneone who is deployed or on shift at night... or an utter arse), you can alternate who takes the 2am feeding. Really. Fussing from 2am or 3am unt 4am has got to be exhausting for everyone involved.
Meanwhile, a feed/change/and crash takes what? Less than 1-2 hours, probably.
If you're on your own, you'll sleep better.
If you're not on your own, both you and hubby can get 3 good nights of sleep. In a row or alternating, whatever works.
EXPECT increased wakings starving o' the hunger @
- 3mo
- 6mo
- 9mo
- any time they've been sick
Typically bulking up for a growth spurt lasts 2-4 weeks.
Typically replacing lost growth from illness takes 1-2 weeks.
Each is usually 1 extra feeding at night, and 2-3 in the daytime.
Its temporary. And then they go back to their sleep pattern before they need to grow, or have gotten ill.
You've got a double whammy, in that he's dead on track for a growth spurt, AND was recently sick.
Withholding food is just going to make everything take longer, and everyone exhausted.
Again. Its not caving to feed a hungry baby.
Its the right thing to do. :)