I have 2 daughters (18 months apart, now ages 14 and 15). They started having sleepovers around age 8, when it was just once a month, and they've increased over the years. It seems like someone is sleeping over about every 2 or 3 weeks. When it's just one friend, it's no big deal. I just need to remind them when it's time for lights out and to quiet down.
About every other month, we may have 2 or more (sometimes up to 6 guests + my two). Those tend to be the late ones.
To avoid being wiped out, a few things I try...
- it's my girls having their guest, they need to help clean house and with some food
- I usually have them come over after dinner the night before, so I dont' need to worry about a meal, just snacks and breakfast
- I usually have the guest go home at 10 or 11 the next morning