Twins & Trips have a tendancy to grow fast (since they had a smaller start)... and thus tend to be eating around the clock for a lot longer than singletons. The best way to get them to sleep IS to keep feeding them. OTW, they'll not only wake for the feeding, but if they can even get back to sleep, they keep waking and waking and waking from that point on because they're starvin'o'the'hunger.
I had a singleton (multiples run in my fam), but he is/was a VERY fast grower. Once he was using bottles I'd just keep a couple on the door of the fridge already made... so when he woke up I could zap it and feed him superquick & half asleep. Quite frankly, at a certain age (somewhere between 10-18mo), I could just nuke it... hand him his baba... change his diaper while he drank (still in his crib) pat his back for a minute... and crawl back into bed. 3 minute total elapsed time. He'd wake just long enough to eat, down the bottle, and pass right back out. When he was older (18mo-4years) I'd keep a meal ready to be zapped next to his sippy... but at that point, I actually had to stay awake, because he actually had to get up to eat (and that took 15-30 minutes).
Some of my relatives with multiples, when the first woke... would zap/heat all 2-4 bottles... bring them into the room... and wake the others (I know, waking a sleeping baby, oy! The terror of it!) for their bottles and change. But it's not for the faint hearted as it can backfire until you learn which ones will wake starvin'o'the'hunger as soon as your head hits the pillow... and which ones will sleep through.