My son is 3 1/2 anf is just getting the real hang of using it properly. My son hated plastic kids silverware, so instead i bought him some kids metal silverware. The plastic silverware may be kid safe but it is very hard to use even for an adult. he loves the metal silvare. The handles are shorter and the fork actually picks up the food. He still sometimes wants to use his hands, but we try to explain to him that we use our silverwareas as much as possible and only some foods are allowed to be eaten with our hands. My son like yours is not fond of the spoon. but he does know how to use it. i think for them the spoon is a little harder to use. The fork just stabs the food, but trying to get something scooped up can be hard. Just have patience with it and encourage the silverware use and he will be fine. There is no rule that says that they have to use baby silerware, let him use the big stuff if you are comfortable with it.