I was in a similar situation as well. It felt like I was trapped in a go no where position forced to suppress myself and family to the point where we couldn't be us anymore (with being in someone elses household). I feel for you.
What DID help was keeping busy, staying hopeful and reminding myself that once this is over, we will be in a much better position to start over again. I found ways to get out of the house to places that were inexpensive or free and where we could just let loose. I joined mom groups, met with friends, went to TONS of playgrounds to allow my dd to let out all that pent up energy (as there are many nice ones in Naples), went to public events (faires & festivals), the library, free day at the zoo, and finally, to just UNWIND, I'd go to the beach. I'd get out as often as I can. I did most of my living out of the house. And when I was at home, I'd do my cooking & cleaning (since that was a part of the living arrangements) and retire to our room that we shared to play, watch a movie, talk or just find a place to be seperated from everyone else. I'd dream, plan and prepare for the very near future where we would have our own space.
If you can't find anything to help you cope with your situation, maybe you can offer your husband a different perspective on your situation. If he's afraid of falling back into debt or getting in over your head again, try explaining that it won't be any different than where you are right now. Life is full of ups and downs. Everyone goes through tough times at some point in their life. There's no reason for him to feel bad (if that's the case). If you'd like to ease the stress and pressure for the both of you, maybe you can both compromise and set a goal date to get your own place - a date you're both comfortable with. It might motivate you both to do what you have to in order to get to that point or at least you can both take comfort in knowing there's a light at the end of the tunnel. :)
Just remember that this is one little part in your whole life. It won't always be like this. You'll get through it and maybe even appreciate the whole experience later on.