I am 40 and my husband 36, our son is 6. We had the same dilemma and have always wanted more, but had other family issues to deal with - aging parents to care for and they took precedence. I dont regret. I have been able to babysit my sons cousins often and they are like siblings to my son. I was close with my brother but we hardly speak now. His wife has particular religious beliefs and cannot accept my islamic husband. I do not interfere with my brothers life, but it has taken its toll on my mother that her children are not so close - not fault of mine. My aunt also did not speak to my mother after their mothers passing and my fathers family has disowned him. You can never say what will happen. I think when the time is right we will have more children, in God's time. And if I am unable, we have not ruled out adoption. My husbands family is often asking me to take a cousin of my sons here in america to raise and educate. I leave it to God who will come in our life and do not fall for pressure from anyone on what is accepted behavior. Do what is in your heart and your husbands. My son is well adjusted and happy and not lonely and not stressed. We had high school lifeguards last year who were three only's and they gave me their opinions of being raised without siblings. They were happy and also appreciated that their parents were able to include their best friends on vacations when they were younger, etc. Best of luck with your decision - everyone walks to their own drum.