Seeking Family Dr. Who Respects Decision Not to Vaccinate

Updated on November 04, 2010
D.S. asks from Lisle, IL
4 answers

I'm trying to find a good family practice physician in the Naperville area besides home first that respects my decision to not vaccinate my children. Would not mind at all if they are on the holistic side. Thanks.

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More Answers



answers from Chicago on


We also do not vaccinate and take our whole family to Dupage Family Medicine. They understand our decision and have never pushed us or made us feel bad for the choice we have made. Their main Dr. is Dr. James Cunnar but we usually see the PA. Karla Holtzman. Both are awesome!

DuPage Family Medicine
2272 W. 95th St. Suite 325
Naperville, IL 60564

Good luck!



answers from Chicago on

I do not have an answer for this. But I have a question. Why do you not want to vaccinate?



answers from Chicago on

He's a sponsor of our local chapter of the Holistic Moms Network so obviously very open-minded.

Dr. Chad Olsen MD
Millennium Pediatrics Naperville IL
1012 95th Street Pediatrician,

Good luck and congrats on your decision!

D. Coop



answers from Chicago on

Hi Denise,
We chose Wheaton Pediatrics, ###-###-####(East Loop Road in Wheaton) when our first child was on the way. They make you sign a waiver when you don't receive a shot. It's okay though. There are 8 doctors and 1 nurse practitioner who rocks. Some still give you the lecture but they take care of our needs still. I like Dr. Reuben Rucoba and Nurse Vanda a lot.
We are now playing catch with the shots, the middle of the road. We just didn't like the lack of research and the crazy amount of shots going into a teeny little body. That's why we are on that path.
I hope that helps!

L. L.

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