We really liked the Kiddopotomous brand. You can leave the arms out if you like and it really stays put. I never liked swaddling in the receiving blanket. His legs were always hanging out.
I am 7.5 months pregnant with my second, and I need some good recomendations on recieving blankets that use velcro to stay put. My first who is now 4, would always break out of her regular recieving blanket, and then wake up, so now I see many different blankets that stay put with velcro. Are these good? safe? Which one would you reccomend? Thanks so much.
We really liked the Kiddopotomous brand. You can leave the arms out if you like and it really stays put. I never liked swaddling in the receiving blanket. His legs were always hanging out.
My twins LOVED being swaddled and we really liked the kiddopotamus swaddle me blanket. They rarely ever got out and they came in two thicknesses so we had lighter ones and fleece ones. Hope this helps.
The only swaddling blankets that worked for me were the stretchy ones - they're made of almost a thermal. Those were the best and the only ones that neither of my kids popped out of. The velcro ones always scared me.
well, i didnt learn about swaddling until my 2nd baby, and it was like a miracle, swaddling is wonderful. **however... i was using one of the velcro ones with her, and one day i woke up and she had wiggled both arms out the bottom of the "wings", which stayed velcroed closed in front, and then worked her arms up enough so that the wings were across her neck - tight! needless to say, after i recovered, i threw the thing out. with my 3rd i just used a blanket for him, but stopped swaddling him when he could wiggle out because then he would be in there with a loose blanket, also very dangerous. leaving one arm free helped him to be happy in the swaddler longer. i would swaddle him with one arm out, and put one roll of a sleep positioner, or just a hand towel that i rolled tightly and secured with a couple of hair bands, and put the roll just under him on the side opposite the free arm, just barely under one shoulder/hip so he was on a very slight tilt. then he was leaning on the free arm a bit so he could use his hand but his arm didnt flop around. be sure to switch sides. this worked very nicely for me for a while. if you can find those receiving blankets that are kind of a very light slightly stretchy waffle/thermal knit, they work great. the flannelish ones from the hospital work nicely too, they kind of hold because of the flannel. get the nurses to show you how they do it. think burrito :) with the loose end tucked in on top, or under baby's butt, depending on how you wrap. best of luck to you.
Hey C.
My daughter used to live being swaddled and she got so good at breaking out of even the velcroed ones. I found the miracle blanket online. It doesn't have velcro but there is a lot of fabric to wrap around like 2 or 3 times making it almost impossible for her to break out. The website is www.miracleblanket.com Good luck!
Try the "miracle blanket" (no velcro on this blanket) my daughter never escaped or woke up due to busting out of the swaddle. It worked GREAT. Good Luck.
What I've heard is that the Miracle Blanket (available online) is the very best. Our son could break out of anything -- I looked up the Miracle Blanket, sewed one of my own (couldn't wait for the shipping!) and it has worked wonders. He still gets out, but it takes 7 hours, as opposed to 30 seconds with the Kiddopotamus and receiving blankets and every other swaddler I tried!
i LOVED them! especially if your baby likes being snuggly while he/she sleeps. my littlest baby loved being tight in the blankie and would wake up if he wasnt tight. worked like a charm!
miracle blanket is the best, it in no way can compare to the others. if you really want the velcro, i liked the snug and tug swaddling blanket. but remember, velcro is noisey, snags things in the wash, and forces the blanket to be wrapped just right. if you want the best swaddling blankets, anias and aiden hands down. they are amazing and i cant say how much i love them. but again, miracle blankets are the best for keeping babies swaddled thru the night(i had 3).
and i disagree with the idea that babies get out because they are too hot or dislike it. the idea of swaddling is that babies have a natural startle reaction. swaddling keeps the baby nice and warm, just as it was in its mothers belly. the baby feels comforted and safe, doesnt wake when startled, and doesnt rub at the face as many babies do causing awakenings. some babies dont like being swaddled, but the majority do. i do think many parents dont attempt the swaddle or use it religiously, which loses the effect. i highly recommend swaddling to anyone, and adjusting the room temperature should be the prevention of overheating.
good luck, again miracle blanket cant be beat, just try not to shrink it.
Until my son was 6-7 months old, he didn't like the sound of velcro. Every kid is different of course!
Swaddlers that used velcro didn't stay on long, and we didn't swaddle long for that reason - nothing would stay on him long - an arm or everything would come popping out before he was even in the crib.
Your choice really what you would like - I would say START from the very beginning, and pop the velcro before s/he is born, to get him used to it. :)
Learning to swaddle with a basic receiving blanket is a skill - and if you have a doll/mannequin/friend's baby who will fit the bill - practice. :)
Good luck and Congratulations!
Make sure that your baby is not overheated, they can tolerate more cold than you and I think they can. Once it gets colder, sleep sacks are great instead of blankets.
my daughter punched out of every single receiving blanket we bought her. The velcro ones, Kidapotomus, were easy to use, but very easy for my girl to get an arm through. Have you checked out Ultimate Swaddling Blanket? I think it's good because it's big, which is ultimately what helps keep little arms in :)
Hi C.! I loved the Swaddle Me blankets. They have velcro and they were lifesavers! I bundled my daughter in them until she was 5 months old. She slept so well with them and I didn't have to get out of bed every hour to refold the swaddle...
HOpe that helps! Good luck!
I personally love the Swaddler-it comes in several different types of fabric good for different seasons. I think that it is very safe and a great way to keep infants nice and cozy.
If a baby breaks out of their blankets, they are generally to hot. i would not use velcro as I would think when they are trying to get cooled off they find themselves constricted it might make for a claustrophobia type of issue for them. Feeling trapped and make them cry. Just my thoughts from a person who deals with claustrophobia. T.
We really loved the kiddopotamus swaddle me blanket. It comes in cotton or fleece and in three sizes for kids who just love to be swaddled. My son was a swaddle addict until he was 9 months old. We did not like the swaddle blanket by first years (I think it comes in 2 pack). It did not stay closed and did not have a little bit of stretch like the kiddopotamus blanket.
Hands down (literally) the best out there is the Amazing Miracle Blanket. There is no scratchy or noisy velcro and my kids couldn't get out of it until about 5 months when we didn't need it anymore anyway. My only draw back would be the strange looks my extended family gave when they saw that my children were in a tight sausage roll - but they were happy and cozy from the start. I even had twins in the same crib with these and I wouldn't have changed it for the world.
Good luck! :)
Hi C.,
The Swaddle Me's that are sold at Babies R Us are awesome...my daughter lived in them for the first 3 months...she was premie and only weighed 5 pounds so they were great...I think they love the feeling of being swaddled and I was never any good at doing it with the blanket...even though I had the nurse show me 50 times...I still couldnt do it...so the Swaddle Me was a life saver...I definately recommend them!!
These are GREAT! They're on my list of top 3 items to purchase for a baby because they sleep so much better and longer when tightly swaddled.
I think any brand will do the trick. My sons were also able to get out of them so we would swaddle them with a regular blanket (like the nurses at the hospital), and then over that we would velcro them into the swaddling blanket. It was the best way to make them sleep without being held.