the first reaction i had to your message was 'your husband needs to grow UP!' and 'check for unsavory internet activity', but upon thinking about it, i wonder if elle's response is very correct - he's competing w/ your daughter for your attention.
on first blush it sounds very immature, but if he's not getting it in a mature way e.i.: your love, admiration, attention (not just the s-e-x way, but kissing and letting him know he's your 'boyfriend', he may be trying to get it the only way that seems to work for your, even if it aggrivates you.
does your daughter sleep in your bed? very bad idea for a marriage, if it's a daily thing. when could a marriage have any 'hanky panky' time if daughter is always in the place that happens? if you have effectively exchanged yoru husband for your daughter, your husband is probably feeling like you don't need him anymore.. do you? where/what would you and your daughter be if he decided he didn't need you anymore and instead found another person to spend his time with? you might want to think that one thru - what would it do to your 'stay home' mom status? imagine what damage that would do to your daughter to have to visit you/he if you ended up divorced.. just take a few minutes and imagine your life in that situation. she would be irreveribly injured in that case. and if you get divorced, what example of success in a marriage would your daughter have to base her marital success on?
i urge you two to get counselling and bring back the boyfriend/girlfriend aspect to your marriage. it's the only way a marriage can survive the trials that are this life.
i pray that you guys get things worked out... do you attend a church? one first stop could be your minister/pastor. invite God to your marriage and you will be amazed at the wonderment and joy you'll regain.
bless you
addendum -
i read your response,and i didn't want to infer that you weren't Godly folks or anything,, just thought i'd have you think about the possibilities.. i didn't know of your other trials, and it sounds like you're in a truely good relationship that just needs a tune up :)
i'll keep you in my prayers!! you sound like you guys all have your hands full. praying for strength and insight for you!