If you cater to his picky nature because you're afraid he'll starve to death, then he will always be picky. There is no magic food that will change this. Its normal for 2 year olds to express their will and refuse things you give them. However it is our job as parents to challenge the will and train it to submit.
I would prepare simple fruits, vegetables, beans, whole grain pasta/bread etc. Some kids don't like overly seasoned foods, so start simple. Set the food before him. Tell him there will not be anything until the next meal (and follow through with that) except water (some kids will try to live off of milk or juice), and let him decide what he'll eat. He will learn to eat what is put in front of him, no one wants to go hungry. Reward good eating with a healthy desert or something else that he will enjoy. And I require my kids to taste everything on the plate.
It was common for my kids to refuse something unless I forced them to try it, often they loved it after the first bite. Sometimes they just eat it because I tell them to, even though they don't "like" it. So far nothing has made them gag/vomit. People constantly are surprised because my kids eat almost everything. Its work though, there is plenty of complaining, you just have to stick with it. Its important to teach children to eat healthy foods, and enjoy them. We don't want them to live on snacks and fast food! :)
Best wishes!