Hello Jaimee,
You sound like me with my first baby!! I had hyperemesis with my first which I found out had to do with me being hyperthyroid when I conceived with using natural progesterone cream and then towards the end of pregnancy developed Hashimoto's Thyroiditis (hypothyroidism) for which I will have to take a synthetic hormone for the rest of my life. I am pregnant with baby #2 currently and thankfully had my thyroid under control before I was pregnant and this time I have no hyperemesis and am using no progesterone cream. My advise is...YOU NEED THE HELP OF A PROFESSIONAL. You really should have your hormones checked through a full blood panel. Do you not have insurance? Insurance will cover the cost of this lab work and it is as simple as going to the lab and having blood drawn. I have to every month with being pregnant because the balance can be so sensitive they need to make sure you and baby are where you both need to be. I went to the Southwest College of Naturalpathic Medicine (which, unfortunately, is not covered by insurance) and saw Dr. Schweiger who finally helped me with all of my problems. It is dangerous to try to balance over the counter medicine with prescription by yourself especially if it is relating to your hormones. You need to see an endocronologist or a doctor that has experience with hormone related disorders. A chiropractor and OBGYN are not going to know the ins and outs of the hormone/thyroid problems per it is not what they have been trained to know. Best of luck to you and please keep me posted on how you are doing. I feel for you as my first pregnancy was pretty miserable but the happiest day for me was getting professional help that reassured me I was not going crazy and that the problems could be fixed.