My oldest son is in Kindergarten this year. He just brought home a report card about 2 weeks ago. I typed up the list of requirements so that I'd know exactly what to work on with him. He has to have all of these mastered to go on to 1st grade.
Social and Motor Growth
1. Obeys school/class rules
2. Follows playgrounds safety rules
3. Shows self control
4. Uses good lunchroom manners
5. Pays attention in class
6. Listens and follows directions
7. Accepts and respects authority
8. Participates in group activities
9. Works without disrupting others
10. Shares and take turns
11. Cooperates with others
12. Handles conflict
13. Rests quietly
14. Concentrates on task at hand
15. Manages time well and completes work
16. Completes work on time
17. Takes care of classroom materials
18. Completes home assignments including Accelerated Reader & meets AR goals
19. Takes care of personal belongings
20. Uses scissors correctly
21. Holds pencil correctly
22. Cuts on a line and shape
23. Uses glue neatly
24. Puts puzzles together
25. Dresses self (buttons, zippers, snaps, ties shoes)
Language art skills (all letters)
Recognizes all upper case letters
Recognizes all lower case letters
Recognizes initial sound (every letter except a, e, I, o, u, x)
Recognizes final sounds (every letter except a, e, I, o, q, r, u, v, w, y)
Writes upper and lower case letter
Identifies colors:
Produces short vowel sounds
(a, e, I, o, u)
Sight words
the, to, of, from, four, into, one, you, said, was, what, my, two, when, they, who, come, where, are, eight, yellow, green, orange, purple, red, brown, black, blue, three, five, six, seven, nine, ten
Pre-reading skills
Recalls days of the week
Prints first name correctly from memory
Generally speaks in complete sentences
Produces beginning sounds in words
Blends three letter words
Spells name verbally
Recites alphabet
Recites pledge of Allegiance
Recalls months of the year
Claps or counts syllables
Spells simple three letter words
Has basic understanding of stories read aloud
Can retell stories
Recognizes rhyming words
Produces rhyming words
Recognizes name in print
Recites phone number
Recites address
Matches opposites
Demonstrates left to right progression
Sequencing events
Distinguishes left/right
Math skills
1. Counts to 20
2. Writes numbers 0-10
3. Traces shapes
4. Identifies patterns
5. Extends patterns
6. Identifies shapes (triangle, diamond, circle, star, rectangle, square, oval)
7. Identifies coins from a set (penny, nickel, dime, quarter)
8. Identifies value of coins (penny, nickel, dime, quarter)
9. Identifies a shape that is divided in half
10. Identifies objects in a sequence (first, second, third, etc…)
11. Trace shapes
12. Draws enclosed space that is recognizable
13. Measures using non-standard units
14. Identifies patterns
15. Extends patterns
16. Interprets graphs
17. Extends graphs
18. Computes simple addition problems
19. Computes simple subtraction problems
20. Explores always, maybe, never events
21. Uses more/less, taller/shorter, heavier/lighter
22. Recognizes clocks/calendars as measurements of time
23. Sorts objects of various sizes, shapes, etc…
24. Counts 0-10 backwards
Special areas: participate and listen
Hope that helps!