I attneded a wonderful "conscious Discipline" course taught by Becky Baily... she is amazing and her teaching is some of the best. Get her book! (I have 3 and 5 yr old boys.) At dinner time when this is a challenge, set a timer (even just on the microwave if the little one can't read the clock yet), explain that when it is 6pm, or whatever time is best for your family, that dinner is over and the "kitchen is closed." It may be a few days before he realizes that you mean business, but just be consistent, don't give in (he won't starve, but he will become more focused AND learn to respect Mommy's word more seriously. When he says he is hungry later, consistently empathize honestly with him, but then say "I am so sorry Honey, you know Mommy said that the kitchen is closed now... but we will have a nice yummy breakfast first thing in the morning." ETC. Be firm, or you will will be dealing with these things forever and it will affect everyone's quality of life. Blessings, and bon courage.