A friend of mine posted this link today, so I came back here to share with you:
Even though the article is a joke, a lot of it is true! There is a difference between conditioning a child to go on the potty (what a lot of other cultures do to have a 1 year old going on the toilet) vs. Potty-training. In potty-training, the kid has to show the signs of readiness (and therefore, "want" to do it)
I learned this the hard way with my daughter. Like you said, I said that I had been "potty-training" her for a year...I had the potty out for her to use, and she used it once inawhile (in particular when I could tell she was about to go). But she wasn't truly "potty-trained" until the month she turned 3. I said that was it, no more diapers, and she was accident-free in about 10 days. A pain in the butt? Yes. Sick of cleaning up accidents? Yes. But at that point, she had all the signs, so I just made her wear underwear.
My son now is 2 years 8 months, but he is content to sit in his messy diaper, and could care less that I offer him incentives. So, he's not ready. I'll wait another month or two and re-evaluate. My advice to you is to do the same.