She may not quite be ready yet. We had the potty seat out from the time my daughter was 18 months, but only had her sit on it when she wanted to. I waited until she was a little more than 2-1/2 to activly train, and basically told her one morning "today you get to wear big girl undies and start using the potty". I set a timer to ring every 10 minutes and when it did, I'd ASK her "do you have to go potty?" That way she could think about the feeling of HAVING TO GO, not the feeling of going. She got a jelly bean everytime she had success.
The first day we crashed and burned, but the next day she got the hang of it and by day 3 or 4 she was trained. I did NOT use pull-ups, as they don't make them feel wet enough, but I used traditional training pants with plastic pants over them. And no, we didn't go out for those first 3 days. On day 4 we went to a birthday party and I brought diapers and extra pants. She had an accident, so we put a diaper on her and changed her pants and didn't make a big deal of it. The following day was Easter and we were at my brother's. She was scared to go potty on a different toilet potty seat, but when I told her to just go in her diaper that it was okay, she insisted on going on the potty, so we mastered her fear of a new toilet too.
We also went out the following week and made a big deal about picking out princess underwear and all that. She's never had an accident since and has never wet her bed. I think waiting until she was a little older and never making a deal out of it helped a lot. I'm going to try this method with my son, too. He just turned 3 and shows very limited interest, but neither did my daughter. We have a new baby coming in early July, so that will probably thwart some of my efforts. I'll tell you though, waiting and having it done in days is WAY better than having it drag out for weeks!
Oh, and don't forget the "happy dance" every time there is success!!