My son is six and he helps every week with taking out the recycling. He also helps set/clear the table, help the cat in/out (door service!) and takes care of his room/toys/clothes, etc.
We don't have a dishwasher and frankly, most of our dishes are old and very breakable, so I do them. Growing up, I started doing the dishes regularly when I was about 8 and then it was a standard chore. Only one of our houses had a dishwasher, but even then it was my stepfather's prerogative to 'save water' and we did the dishes in the sink anyway. But we took out the trash, cleaned the catbox/dog poo in the yard, ran/folded laundry, swept floors, vacuumed the house, changed linens, scrubbed bathrooms, etc by the time I was about 11 or so, and then ironing/mopping/making dinner was added to that as I got older. My mom worked full time from about 11 or so, and my sister and I had to step in. My stepfather didn't really 'do' housework so much as assign it.
And no, we weren't paid for any of it.
SH, in answer to your question, my husband is very good about helping out where help is needed. We alternate nights for dinner dishes/bedtime duty, he wheels out the trash/recycling bins if they aren't out already, is good about sweeping the kitchen if he sees it's needed, moves laundry from washer to dryer at night (which I hate doing, would far rather fold, thanks) and if there's a task only he can do, he will. And he's the house IT guy, which can't be fun for him as that's what he does all day at work. But he doesn't complain.:) He's awesome!