My sister and I use to get pink-eye almost once every two years or so, when we were between 4-12 years, not that many times, but still more than we would have liked and still an unpleasant experience. As you already know, it is highly contagious. There are prescriptions now to help it go away and relieve the symptoms. However, IF you're looking for a more natural treatment that is available over the counter, my Mom use to take Boric Acid (sounds horrible, but really it is just salt-like crystals) and mix with warm water, put into an eye dropper and dropped in the eye, like a regular eye drop. You can find Boric Acid crystals at most local pharmacies. Basically, the Boric Acid solution you create, drys up the running/oozing eye stuff (which makes you feel sooooo much better in and of itself), as well as relieves the itching and hurting very quickly. I always remember my pink-eye going away within 2-3 days at I truly believe that the homemade Boric Acid solution was as effective as any eye oinment or drops prescribed today. Course, it is always best to talk to your doctor first, especially when you kids are involved. I hope this helps. Many Blessings - L.
P.S. By the way, I'm sure my Mom didn't just mix up the Boric Acid Solution on her own, I'm sure she probably did at the direction of a Pediatrician...but regardless it worked and was very soothing and fast acting in drying up the ooze and itch. She would apply a couple times a day until gone.