I really like the resource page gotquestions.org (Christian).
What are spirit guides?
If reincarnation is not true, why do some people remember their past lives?
I used to consult psychics for advice and I've had past life sessions (I got no where). What I ended up was having my purse emptied (it's expensive and the people were nice and well meaning, but as deceived as I was) and more confused. There were no clear answers. I now think I was basically fed fairy tales. It wasn't the practioners feeding me fairy tales on purpose, it was the "spirits" (demons pretending to be angels of light) telling me whatever tale that would keep me hooked.
The more you get hooked, the less likely you are going to go searching for God. That's their game.
And even if there are clear answers, where are these answers coming from? The spirit world? God in the Bible forbids people from dabbling in the occult for a reason, to protect us. Those 2 links will explain further.
Acupuncturists and other New Age practioners are all into "alternative" healings, but either it's quackery or occult (bad for your soul).
What is the occult?
This is a good resource explaining what the New Age movement believes in. Video by Chris White, No where to run. Look up his video: Demystifying the Occult - A Presentation for Youth.
The deeper you get involved, it opens a doorway for more spirits to mess with you. I know there are Biblical quotes for this, sorry I don't have them handy now.
My suggestion to you, is to cry out to God, really reach for Him and ask for His help. Sign up for a Bible study. When I became a Christian, I realized a few months later I was healed from some childhood bitterness (that years of therapy couldn't make a dent in). I was also healed from extreme fatigue (due to my involvement with psychics, etc... there are always consequences to involvement in the occult).
Years ago, I would automatically start reciting the Lord's Prayer at night in the dark if I was scared. Do that.
Bible quotes about being scared.
Psalm 23:1-6 is a great prayer (easy to remember) to memorize and extremely comforting.
Fill your house with Christian radio (songs, Bible lectures) just in case there is some spiritual oppression going on that is trying to mess with you. That will help drive it out. But if YOU develop your faith, that would be the very best thing.
And be mindful of what you are watching on TV/movies. Don't watch any scary shows or violent shows that could be feeding into your fears. Absolutely NOTHING violent or creepy. I am shocked at how bad prime time (and cable) TV is now. When I was a kid, there were no gory, graphic crime dramas. Don't watch those TV shows.
Psalm 101:3 (KJV)
3 I will set no wicked thing before mine eyes: I hate the work of them that turn aside; it shall not cleave to me.
Notice the last part of the sentence. Things you watch/listen to DO affect you.