You are strong and you can handle whatever it takes to wean her. We as moms think that it will be so difficult and we have so much anxiety for the next faze. I know you can do it. I thought it was going to be the hardest thing ever....but I took it away at 3 too. My daughter did not have any bad teeth issues from it so I really don't know if that can happen. Our dental office is awesome. Affilated Children Dental on 67th ave and Union Hills. if you need a good pediatric-dentist. It is hard to let go of the stages our kids face and it will be hard, but maybe for a week. Cutting it is a great idea. Having a ceremony where you take it to a moving river somewhere and say goodbye. But you have to be ready to let it go and stick with the plan. Maybe trade it in for a new bed-set for the girl who grew up. That was how we handled it... If you want this princess bed, you have to let go of being a little girl with binki and be a big girl. Good luck.