Why would you want to opt out? As a mom with a little one (now almost 7) who has really soft teeth and has had unfortunately extensive work I am not sure why you would want to. Had we not done yearly xrays we would have set her up to have her "grown-up" teeth to be in just as bad of shape as her baby teeth.
I know if you go out there and read every thing you see you will be so freaked out you won't let your kids leave the house. So I encourage you to visit with your dentist, one you completely trust (maybe someone from your church?), and share your concerns. If you have a good dentist, he will know and understand your concerns and know where the concerns come from and if there is any real crediblity to those claims. Once you have talked with him - not the assistant (even though they are great and extremely knowlegedable - you can make an informed decision.
For example, my daughter was on a medication for eczema a few years ago and when I went in to the doctor to ask him about the medication and the "new studies" they had just completed. He was able to right away say that study was not a true scientific study and that he has done the research and at that point, he would still keep his own kids on the meds. It made me feel better just to visit with him and know that he was up-to-date on all the latest.
Maybe you could even make an appt to just visit with your dentist without the children to make sure you can really talk without distraction.
I know all you hear is really scary and there could definitely be some merit behind it, so just talk to him.
Good luck. I know you will do what is best for your child!