Mine fell out for several months, and it was drastic. I got a very short cut to get through it-- but it does stop eventually. Good luck!
I had my baby 7 months ago and my hair has been falling out for about 2 straight months now (more so in the last 3-4 weeks) It's ridiculous! I dread showering because I lose so much! It's everywhere, our sinks are clogged, my baby had one of my hairs in his diaper (eww!) my hair is all over the place except on my head. When will this stop? I'm taking all the prenatal vitamins plus a postpartum omega supplement. I'm seriously worried I will go bald. How long does this last? Should I not wash my hair as frequently or will it fall out anyway? ahhhhhhh!!!!
Mine fell out for several months, and it was drastic. I got a very short cut to get through it-- but it does stop eventually. Good luck!
My hair was done falling out by about the 3 month mark.
You might consider getting bloodwork done. Hair loss is a trademark of thyroid issues, and having a baby is a key driving factor in thyroid issues for women (I went hypo thyroid after having my first).
It usually falls out for about three months. So one more month. You won't go bald. Unfortunately, the vitamins won't stop the hair loss. Those hairs are already in the resting phase, and slated to fall out. Your hair will grow back.
When you are pregnant your hair doesn't fall out like it normally would, so after the baby is born your body returns to "normal" which means a lot more falls out all at once. I think it lasted a few months for me and I still have a thick head of hair now, you won't go bald. At the time my midwife told me that there was nothing to do about it. I just cut my hair a little shorter and cleaned out the drain and my hairbrush more frequently. If it's still happening after he's a year old I would look into seeing if it is more serious, but for now what you describe sounds normal.
It will stop soon! Whats more annoying than your fair falling out, is how goofy it looks while its growing back in. It happened to me both times I stopped breastfeeding.
Your hormones are just shifting quickly. During pregnancy you hardly lose any hair at all, and now your body is just making up for that normal process. If it continues past a year it could be a hormonal imbalance, but right now it sounds pretty normal to me. It's a pain, though. We even found my hair in our food once in a while :-)
Rosebud is correct! Don't even worry about washing your hair because they are already set to come out and will come out no matter what.
Ah I go through this every year. I always have. My husband says it's my shedding season. In fact the other day he asked, "Are you shedding again?" LOL Why yes, yes I am. I don't know why it happens, but it's every summer just like my dog! It usually last a couple months. Don't worry, I have yet to go bald. However, if it doesn't slow down soon you might contact your doc, could be a thyroid issue.
Ditto what Sarah L shared. It takes about a year to get back to "normal" good idea, though, to keep up with your nutrition and vitamins until you are finished BF :)
HI, I have to agree with Jennifer S. If this does not slow down soon, have your Thyroid checked. That little tiny thyroid regulates so many harmones in our body and hair loss, dry skin, and sleep are 3 of the major issues.
I have really long hair thick hair, so talk about hair everywhere? My husband actually found one wrapped around his ding a ling (lack of a better word) my vaccum gets full of them, but for every hair strand lost, seems like 2 grow back. Give it a little more time and if it does not seems to change, then ask you doctor for a (T4 free) test. This is just blood work, but it really can look deep for harmone inbalance with regards for the thyroid. Good Luck
My hair is falling out constantly and our sinks aren't clogged b/c I ball it up and throw it away at the end of the shower. Gross sounding, but it works.
I'm a stylist and the hair that did not fall out during your pregnancy is falling out now. You won't go bald, but you will lose a lot and it will eventually regulate. Are you nursing? Usually the bulk of the hair falls out once you wean. It will fal lout whether you wash it or not.
Took me 8-9 months.. probably not what you want to hear but it sucked :( And you won't go bald, the dr reassured me a million times lol.
I started losing my hair after my first child. im now pregnant with my 3rd and im still losing my hair, i mean its everywhere, i hate brushing my hair cause it feels like im going to go bald. i have asked my doctors about it and he told me it could be cause im under stress, and to try to keep my stress level down. well since i have done that i have stopped losing as much hair. its still there but also i only wash my hair every other day. cause he said your hair can become brittle when washed to much. just a couple thoughts. i wish you luck
this happened with me for all of my babies....even the ones I lost...
it took about 3 to 4 months for it to stop...
Call you OB/GYN - let them know what is happening and what you are taking...they may need to run blood tests to see what your hormones are doing!!
I miss my pregnancy hair. I shed heavily for about three or four months. But I sitll shed alot. I have no hair to lose. You should brush more frequently to catch the hairs, that helps to cut down on where they lie. My poor son got one round up aroundhis toe in his jammies when he is a baby. Ugh, my dog doesn't even shed as much as me.
It took well over a year for me, probably closer to 2. But it will stop, eventually.