I've thoroughly loved my OB/GYN, it's Sara Robert at Craig Ranch Ob/Gyn http://www.craigranchobgyn.com/ They do try to rotate you through each physician in that office when you go to your monthly appointments (when pregnant) just in case you end up going into labor on a weekend and you get the on call doc. They don't like their patients to be "surprised" with a new face come delivery. I have enjoyed all of them and if you prefer a mid-wife, they have one on staff there too but I chose to go the traditional route. Also, as far as delivering, I actually go to church with the gentleman who is over all Presbyterian hospitals in the area and I know for a fact when he left Medical Center hospitals to take over Presby's, his first order of buisness was to bring Presby Allen back up to par for women. However, I delivered at McKinney hospital and had a great experience and a friend of mine delivered at Baylor Frisco and had a good experience there as well. I really think it all depends on your nurses on how well your experience will be.