Normal Behavior or What?

Updated on December 20, 2006
L.C. asks from Rockville, MD
8 answers

My son is over 18 months. I notice that he pulls on his diaper a lot these days. I am not sure if he is touching himself, or just discovering his body parts. I am even thinking that he may be trying to inform me, that he's peeing. Is this normal behavior for a little boy. I am lost. Help. Thanks.

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answers from Philadelphia on

It is absolutely normal, I have 3 boys, the youngest being 20 months and my oldest is 7 and I still find him tugging on it every now and again. I wouldn't be concerned at this point.

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answers from Philadelphia on

Hi L.,

I think it is totally normal. I have 2 boys, one of which is also 18 months old. My son does the same thing, he'll pull on his diaper and say poopy or pee pee. Sometimes I even let him sit on the little potty with his diaper on, just to get the idea. He is more advanced then my first son because he see's his big brother (3 1/2) doing the potty thing.



answers from Harrisburg on

My daughter is doing the same thing. I have started sitting her on the potty when she does it and a few times she has gone but more often then not she is just exploring. The worst is when I change her, as soon as diaper comes off the hands go down. When she is only wet she will grab a wipe and clean herself. On the other hand my 4 year old son is still grabbing himself and will constantly have his hand on his crotch or down his pants. My older 2 boys did the same thing but they did eventually stop after they were fully potty trained.



answers from Philadelphia on

my son started that is actually the nervos in his pee pee devpoling sorry for my spelling, starting to feel like almost when it gets hard it gets bigger, my son is now 4 and its very senstive to wash it. hell grow out of it its normal..



answers from Washington DC on

He might be trying to tell you that he is ready to start potty training. It could also be that he is discovering himself. It's perfectly normal. My son discovered himself at three months and hasn't quit since.



answers from Washington DC on

Yes, I would say this is pretty normal. Alot of times children around that age are now noticing that having a wet ditie is uncomfortable, so they usually want it off. This may also be a sign that he may be wanting to use the potty. All children are different with how they approach using the potty(wanting to that is). I come from a very large family, and I have noticed that out of the 14 nephews I have, at least 9 were ditie tuggers when they were ready to start training. So it is something you may want to look into. This is just a suggestion. Best of luck! D., Hagerstown, MD



answers from Williamsport on

Hello L.,

My son, now 4 1/2, used to do the same thing and still is, but without the diaper. I think it's a natural thing boys do. My friend's that have boys do the same thing also.



answers from Philadelphia on

My son started doing the same thing around that age & at 20 months, he is still doing it. My pediatrician assured me this behavior is very normal for their age. They are trying to discover how their bodies work, why certain things feel hurtful if they squeeze too hard or how different textures feel. At times my son seems to even stroke himself, which startled me the 1st time, but my husband & pediatrician assured me this is normal as well & is no different then when they play with their hair or a toy to discover what it does & why. -S.

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