No More Pacifer

Updated on February 25, 2008
F.G. asks from Fort Worth, TX
10 answers

Ok well I have been through this before almost a year ago with my son, weaning them from the pacifer! I remeber hiding them and hiding Grace's and telling him how yucky they were everytime he went nuts and started looking for one. We were fine by day two. Well now its Grace's turn, and well she has a totally different personaltiy from Cameron. She is alot more sensitive and she attaches herself to everything! But mainly she has her lovey and pacifer, I've attempted a transition but she normally gets really really whiney and clingy, I have two other kids to take care of and a house I really can't constantly carry her around to make her feel better all the time so we give in and just give her the pacifer back. I just now got her to give it up during bath time! Yes its that bad! She is the middle child so she is already having issues with that. So I know I'm going to feel soo guilty taking this away from her. I know its for the best but I'm honestly in tears just writing this.I just really need some suppport this is very difficult! So I know how to do the deed I just don't have the guts!! So please any kind words would be great!! Lucklily she only takes one brand of pacifers and my 7 month old takes a totally different kind! So I'm not too concerned with her stealing it. So please please any strong words and encouragement is welcomed!! Thank you!!

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So What Happened?

Well I want to thank eveyone for all of the support!! It was a hard month!! But I realized that once she gave it up during nap time that she would be fine!! This is her third week offically being a no pacifer baby!!! And she stopped asking for it after the first week of going without the whold day! I am soooo happy and proud! Thank you sooo much!!

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answers from Dallas on

Hello F.,
I really don't know what to tell you since it was really easy for me to wean my daughter off her pacifier when she was about 14 o 15 months old... but I think it will be hard for you girl to let it go, regardless of the method because of what you have said about her being sensitive and very attached to it. I think the best thing would be to choose one of the methods suggested to you by other moms, gather up a lot of guts and throw them all out. That way, once she starts whining or asking for it, there is no way you can give in, because you don't have any to give her. It will be hard for a couple of days... but I think worth it. Good luck!

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answers from Dallas on

My son just turned one and he was very much in love with his binky. I was terrified to take it away because I knew he would go back to waking up every couple of hours. I started by not letting him have it while were at home just in the car and durning naps/bedtime. Then I stopped giving it to him in the car. I weaned him off using it during his morning nap, then his afternoon and finally bedtime. This all took about 1 1/2 months, but I finally tossed them all out a couple of weeks ago. I am not going to lie the first 3 nights were horrible. He was waking up every 3 hours crying. Finally after the thrird day he stopped and everything went back to normal. I really feel that sometime we are the ones that make it much harder than it needs to be. I was so worried about how he was going to make it through the day. After all is done I realized yeah he liked it, but he is also fine without it.



answers from Dallas on

Hi F.,

I've heard that if you make a small hole in the part she sucks on (like with a needle), it takes the suction away and they no longer like it. If that works, she would reject the pacifier rather than you taking it away! Good luck and hang in there. You've got three children under 3 and you seem very you're obviously doing something right!! :0)



answers from Dallas on

Hi F.,

I saw this on Supernanny last night while flipping channels. Thought it was a pretty good iday. The nanny made an envelope and told the little boy that the paci-fairy needed his pacis for little babies and that if he sent the fairy all of his pacis he would get a surprise. So after she convinced him to put the pacis in the envelope she walked out to the mailbox with him and had him put them in there himself.

The next day she put a package filled with little animals (you could use anything your daughter likes) in the mailbox and told him to go look at what the paci-fairy had brought him.

The little boy was okay with giving it up because he gave it up and didn't have it taken away from him. I thought it was a neat idea. Worth a try anyways.

Good Luck!



answers from Dallas on

Our dentist told us to get ride of the paci when he went for his first dentist appt...he was about 2. We had a 'bye bye binky party' - we went to Party City and bought some balloons and then we came home and tied his binky to it and watched it go up to the clouds. He had one rough night then he was fine. Sometimes when we are driving and its a cloudy day, I hear him in the back looking up to the sky and saying "hi" to binky.
Honestly, the day we let the binky go, my husband and I both cried like was a milestone that our lil boy was not a baby any more and I do think it was harder on us then him. But I know we had it pretty easy in terms of his reaction.
Good luck to you!!!!



answers from Dallas on

I'm a terrible mom. I let my daughter use her paci until she was 4 yrs old out of fear on how to take it away. I did make her give it up during the day; she only used it at night. But I read about the paci-fairy on this list and decided to try it. I just told her about the paci-fairy and suggested the fairy would bring a princess purse she had been wanting for a long time. You would not believe how fast she gathered up all her pacis and put them in a sack, with a big smile on her face. I asked if she understood that she really would not get them back, and she said yes, she understood but little babies needed them. And that was that. I could not believe how easy it was. Of course now she has replaced the paci with her thumb like her twin sister - have no idea how to get those thumbs out of the mouths...another chapter in bad mommy life I guess.



answers from Dallas on

At our pediatrician's suggestion, we cut a tiny hole in the tip of each pacifier. After a few day, we snipped a tiny bit more off and so on. After about a week, both daughters gave them up without a peep and we didn't have to be the bad guys. Good luck!



answers from Dallas on

I too have a paci lover. She is so comforted by her Baa that I don't know if I will be able to take it away. I have started by only letting her have it in her bed. She now knows she will not get out of her bed with it. It was hard but worth it. She now functions perfect all day without. Good Luck!



answers from Dallas on

My daughter was almost three, and it was definately time, but it was only at night that she was "needing" it. Hurricane Katrina hit and they had the donations drive. I asked her about the situation and asked her what she would like to donate. She said that babies need pacifiers, so we gathered them all up and donated (the new unwrapped ones) her pacifiers to the babies who lost theirs in the hurricane. So, you might come up with a story like that, but the important thing is to have her do it and let her realize that it is not you taking her beloved away!



answers from Dallas on

I wish I could give some good advice on this. My daughter is 20 months and we feel it is time to start weening her off the pacifer. She didnt start using it until she was 12 months old because of the little girl that I baby sits uses it. But her dentist wants her off it by age 2. She really only uses it for nap and bed time and when she is teething. She is also a blankie baby as well....

I am nervous about removing the paci and amprehensive about starting the process. She is going through speech therapy, physical therapy and occupational therapy as well and i dont know if this will go over to well with her.

I know that when she starts to communicate and understand me better that i plan on taking her to her dentist and have her give them to her so she can pass them on to the paci fairy. in return she gets a deploma for being a big girl and some money as well.

my problem is the little girl that i care for during the week uses paci's and her mom is not ready to give it up. i dont know how to keep her from the little girl's paci.

Good luck to you!

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