Need Something to Help with Age Spots

Updated on December 17, 2008
K.V. asks from Columbus, OH
4 answers

I am looking for something to help fade the age spots on my face. I was wonderng if anyone could recommend something and if so how long until you saw a noticable difference. Thanks.

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Thanks for the advice, I have read that most products take several weeks to work and will definately check the out those that were recommended.

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answers from Columbus on

Hi K. - I'm 32 yrs old now and have struggled with brown spots for over about 8 years now. I got sick once and that's when it started, then the first pill I used made them worse. I tried EVERYTHING under the sun from prescription lightening creams (with hydroquinone) to over the counter stuff. NOTHING worked. Recently I tried Avon products and used the Anew Luminosity cream. It claims to start lightening in 7 days with a marked difference in 14 days. I was shocked that in 1 week i saw a difference and in 2 weeks they were almost gone ! I continue to use it and what a miracle in a jar. I would highly recommend trying it. Good luck.

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answers from Columbus on

A friend of mine used Parmer's skin lightening creme in the drug store, and used it on her hands as well. She swore it worked! It's in a jar near all the cosmetics.



answers from Columbus on


I tried everything over the counter and 3 different cream presecriptions and a chemical peel from a dermatologist and nothing worked. She had nothing left to suggest. If you have better luck, let me know what you used!



answers from Columbus on

I haven't tried it yet but MELADERM is supposed to be the best. I will try it when all my other stuff runs out.

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