Because you work outside the home you are NOT alone in this. Your children's teachers should be able to help you develop a plan to get their behavior under control.
This is such a difficult thing. As a daycare provider I know that sometimes I am able to train children to my rules in my house and the kids can still be just wretched with their parents. Sometimes they are trouble with both of us and sometimes it's more with me than them. Each child is different.
The only thing for certain is that you and your boyfriend need to be on the same page with each other and with their teachers. Children will laugh at us when they know they have won. And even someone like me with over 20 years of experience sometimes gives in to a child or lets something slide that we shouldn't. Staying consistent and keeping the rules the SAME everywhere will go a long ways. But just know that at first the harder everyone tries to be on the same page, the harder they will look for the weakest link.
If a child is not dangerous to the other kids in care, more than any child will sometimes be, then I don't believe in calling a parent out of work. I am so fundamentally AGAINST this. You can't deal with the stresses and pressures of work and what's happening during the day at school and daycare. This may be something you need to address. But you should be able to address it by sitting down and meeting with your teachers. This should not draw you away from your work during work hours.
I look at it like this. When I am having a problem with a child it is normally a phase WE can work through and should work through without the parents because it's part of MY job. You don't ask your daycare providers/teachers to come to work with you and help you with your work and they shouldn't expect you to help them with theirs.
I hope I am not sounding contradictory. You need to figure out where to draw the line in the sand. What part of this can you help with and is there a chance they are being lazy or taking out their own lack of classroom discipline on you?