Need Help W/ Thankyou for Teachers Dealing W/ Gross Medical Prob -Details Spared

Updated on May 12, 2008
L.L. asks from Federal Way, WA
7 answers

Okay, so details spared, my son is being treated for constipation and let's just say it's GROSS. He goes to a daycare owned and run by Koreans and is therefore, bilingual (I am of European and Mediterranean descent way down the line...i.e. not korean and neither is my son). I'm only mentioning this so there is a picture that I don't understand all of the cultural differences and don't want to offend. It is completely beside the point otherwise.

Anyway, my son has been being treated for this problem since February. I hope we are nearing the end (and think we may be). His teachers deal with this without complaint or any word about it to me other than the occasional inquiry (and I mean Occasional---once per month MAYBE) of how long he will be being treated for this condition. I have not been charged extra for their extra trouble, no complaints, nothing. One of them (sister or the owner) even offered to buy him an extra pair of shoes so when his get "dirty" he can still go outside and play instead of having to just sit in a chair and watch the other kids play (I went right out and bought him 2 extra pairs of shoes). I know that they lower the rates as kids get older because they are "easier" to take care of meaning need less personal attention.

I am a sensaria rep and I have been thinking that I would like so maybe get a few mini body butters and a few mini lotions and arrange them in a basket for each of James' teachers gets a body butter and a lotion. Somehow, this doesn't seem like quite enough for as gross as this problem is and as long as they have been dealing with it, but money doesn't seem appropriate. Any ideas? Is this good enough? What do any daycare teachers think of the idea? Ways to make it better? Something else completely? I'm open to creative things. I really want these ladies to feel appriciated for their efforts.

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answers from Louisville on

L., you poor thing! My son had rotavirus for 3 weeks once and the doctors took FOREVER to diagnose it! I actually diagnosed it for them....however, dealing with the diarrhea, kuddos to your teachers! Mine sent us home. No questions asked. I eventually broke down and gave him the chewable acidophilus. The kind that is still active and needs to be refridgerated...not the one I just bought for a stomach virus that doesn't seem to help. It worked like a charm! Two days later he was clear. Not sure your situation but thought this may help.

As for the gifts. I am an Arbonne International Independent Consultant and can tell you that everytime I have given lotions and aromatherapy to teachers/nurses/secretaries, they have loved it! And yes, Koreans take good care of their skin so I think they will appreciate it. Any gift from you will be appreciated. They are caring people that seem very concerned about your son. I hope everything works out for him. This must be very painful...we broke down, (I don't allow mineral oil or vaseline in my home..) and bought the vaseline to protect my son's skin. It hurt him to even clean his bottom. Anyway, best of luck!

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answers from Seattle on

Hi L.,
I think the idea of giving them some of the Sensaria lotions or body butter is great! It would also be nice to maybe buy something for the day care...
I love the daycare I take my girls to. They are totally flexible and work with my crazy schedule. I knew that they were getting a few more babies so I purchased a new swing for them and last summer I got them a few new fans for the center. I knew it was something that they needed but it was not in their budget.
Good luck and I hope your son is better soon!

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answers from Seattle on


I used to work in a daycare, and any thank you gift would be appreciated. If I remember right, there is a price limit that the gift can be no more than, but I don't remember that number. I think you would be fine with small gift baskets with various lotions and such. That would be VERY thoughtful.

Hope this helps,

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answers from Los Angeles on

Hey L.,
I'd go for a gift card for a place like Target, or Barnes & Noble, along with your sensaria products (I own my own bus, too, and always gift items from my bus. because I like them, so I think that's a great idea). My best friend is Korean and loves those types of products just as much as the next person. =0) In fact, I think if you combined all of the ideas you've been given, it wouldn't be too hard and would all be a wonderful combination....along with a note of appreciation.
Hope that helps,
L. (a teacher, too)

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answers from Portland on

I would try to find out if they use or are open to use lotions etc. I don't think using lotions or not is cultural in the case of Koreans. I watched a Korean boys sometimes and his mother used lotions and perfume. However, some people don't use anything that has a scent. And some people are fortunate to have moist enough skin to not need lotions.

I recently read that good gifts for teachers are gift cards. That way they can buy what they would like to have or use. Some that were suggested were Starbucks, an educational supply store, a book store. a restaurant, to a play or concert or even a generic like Fred Meyer. If you know if they have a hobby the card could be related to their.

I think I might combine a couple of mini lotions along with a gift card. If they don't use lotions the mini size is nice to tuck in with gifts that they are giving.

This same article said that teachers really appreciate praise. Perhaps you could write a note telling them how much you do appreciate them and that you know it wasn't easy for them.

Does your son like to draw, paint, color or do any other artsy thing. They would probably like a special gift made by your son. My daughter has her children make their own greeting cards. Everyone has treasured them.

When I was teaching many many years ago one of the mothers made and gave to me a door hangar at Christmas time. It was simple, a small stuffed pillow made of cloth with a ribbon to hang it on the door knob. I really appreciated that gift and used it for years. Another child brought me home grown flowers in a pretty vase. Those are the only two gifts I remember.

More recently a mother of one of my daughter's friends sent a floral arrangement from a florist to thank me for including her daughter in most of our activities. Since I rarely received professional arrangements and this one was unique I really appreciated that one too.

I just had another thought. Take a picture of the teachers along with James and frame it. When we provide a special service for one of our students we do usually form a closer relationship.

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answers from Anchorage on

world vision has an intresting gift catologue you may want to look at ( I wish I had some cultural insight for you!



answers from Yakima on

L., I think it is so nice that you want to show your appreciation. Ithink a nice basket with cream, lotions...such as from Bath & Body shop would be so nice. I am so pleased thatyou have him in a good daycare where they take such good care of him.
Have you ever tried "Miralax" for him? You can just give it to him in his juice? You can buy it over the counter at the pharmacy. It works wonderful and does not give him diahrea. My granddaughter was on it for constipation and wasa lifesaver. You only have to give it in their juiceonce a day. Mix it up in his cup or bottle and I think you will be very pleased and it will solve the problem for you. It mixes very easily.....L.

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