I think it is all going to depend on the circumstances which you are trying to decide what to do. Each person in going to be different. I have had both the DNC (for miscarriage) and the endoscopy done but for different reasons than the female ones. The DNC was more cramping painful afterwards (I was asleep during the procedure.) The Endoscopy isn't painful as you are asleep for that too. I too, was given an option for hysterectomy after my fourth pregnancy. I decided I didn't want to do that since I was only 30 at the time. I opted for the balloon ablasion instead. This is outpatient surgery and the OB will go in and burn the inside of the uterus. I was asleep and had mild cramping for a day afterwards. I do not have my periods anymore, nor cramping. But, I still have my organs intact. Depending on the reasoning for doing so, you need to decide for yourself what is going to be right for you.