First let me acknowledge how hard this must be on you. My husband works but I am the one to worry about the bills, taxes, etc. so I know the feeling. However, I wouldn't threaten him, that might send the message that you are only there during the good times. Let him know your expectations that he look or do some type of "job hunt" everyday. I like the suggestion of the other mom about doing the budget together, having a garage sale or picking up extra hours if you can. Now, I would cut the extra's like cable, lawn care, dry cleaning right away. Budget meals are in order. If you have unemployment insurance on your credit cards, see about differrment on those now. Don't be too proud to seek state/gov assistance for food. If you belong to a church see if they can help with finances and mental support. If he refuses to work, then you need to get to the reason for that. Is he afraid of rejection, starting over, being too old? Again, your church might have support groups to help. For your own piece of mind,
My friend (a guy) was out of work for 10 months. Whenever I asked him how the job search was going he would say that his wife and her attitiude was the only bright spot of his day after getting rejections. Hang in there.You may find yourselves growing closer during this tough time.