Hey S.,
I can imagine it would be quite difficult to live the life of a single mom/person, but actually be married only getting to see your husband for very short limited times. I agree with what these ladies are saying. First of all, do see a doctor about the hormonal issues. It will make your own life better, not to mention your marriage when he's home.
I do agree with the lady that says you have to watch being selfish with sex though. Your husband doesn't just want sex because he's a man and they just like that kind of thing, but this is how he is made up. Men and women have different needs! I'm sure that even though he may be childish in many ways, he still does things for you that he doesn't have to do. I am almost 6 months pregnant and there are times that I frankly could care less about sex, but I love my husband and I want him to be satisfied with our marriage as well as me. When he reaches out to me and I don't necessarily want it, I remind myself that he loves me and that this is another opportunity just simply to be close to him. I might not always come out of it thinking that I'm satisfied to the degree that he feels, but I do feel that my husband chooses me over anyone else and that I get all of his attention and closeness.
Just a quick side note...and I hope this is not too personal, but I've heard it work with other women as well. Before you guys get going to much into sex, have him give you attention first. Try relaxation and stimulation both...you guys can use your imagination with that one.
Spend some time thinking about you guy's relationship and how much different areas do mean to you. I would not keep sex from your husband though. When we get married, we enter into something where we have to give sometimes and receive sometimes. I hope you have a wonderful time with your husband while he's home. Throw your routine out the window and make some memories while he's here! Life's too short to miss out on those for sure! Blessings!