I just had an appointment with Dr. Cheek, a dermatologist who sees children - not all dermatologists do) because my 4 yr old has warts. Although they say that they are just a virus that your body will eventually develop an immunity to, it could take months or years for them to go away. On top of that, they can spread, which is what happened in my son's case. He had one on his finger that he kept biting and now they are cropping up everywhere, on his face, legs & hands. So if I were you, I would take care of just the one before that happens. In my son's case he was prescribed tagamet, an oral solution that was created for stomach ulcers, but one of the side effects gets rid of warts. It's only 50% effective, but we're hoping it works since the only other thing we could try is topical ointments. Surgical removal would cause scarring and would be too painful.
Good luck!