I furnished my apartment from IKEA, Target, and a bed from Sears, a love seat and chair from the back sale room at Wicks. I got to start "from scratch" when I moved out of my house into the apartment, so I started with rugs I found at IKEA in bright primary colors and then added from there. None of these pieces were purchased to last forever, someday I will be able to do that again (walked away from some very nice pieces in the house I furnished over the years, but needed a whole new start). For now, these rooms make me happy when I look at them.
This is something I learned from my Mom - pick one piece of furniture, or a pillow, or a photograph, or anything you own that has a color combination you love, then add pieces (rugs, pillows, wall colors, flower pots, anything) that bring out those colors. This can tie together a room even if the pieces are different styles.
My walls and furniture are all neutral colors, my rugs, pillows, bedding, lamps, pictures are all bright primary colors (because I love those) but this approach could be used with any color scheme.