Hi there! I can relate because my son was diagnosed with GERD at two weeks of age after a swallow test. He has been on Bethanechol and Rantitidine (generic Zantac) since then. My son is 7 months old and just now coming out of it. Here is what has helped us:
- Enfamil AR formula (and when very severe, and over 3 months, formula thickened with rice cereal only at doctors ok
- prescription medications
- placing our son on an incline (sleep wedge) at naps &
- carrying baby in a wearable carrier to soothe and keep baby upright
- Gripe water, any brand works about the same
- sitting baby upright or semi-upright at least 3o minutes following feedings. A bouncy seat that sits baby up is great for this because it keeps baby more still often than if you hold baby.
- playtex bottles with collapsible liners
- burping and resting for a few minutes after every ounce of formula
-Spray and Wash with Resolve Power to get out the stains
It will get better. Good luck!