I have a picky eater too, I always thought she would outgrow it. Most of my concerns are health related. Talk to your pediatrician and ask for some pointers as to what are battles that need to be fought. I Try and offfer at least one thing with every meal I know my daughter will eat. I truly think some of it is sensory issues as my daughter is very well behaved, this is not her being "spoiled" as some people might think. I think as her mom you know when she is playing you or not, be firm about somethings and relax on others. We give a few choices but there are nights when my daughter does not eat much, you have to come to the point where you are sick of being a short order cook ( my picky eater is nearing 10 ) I also only have healthy snack options...you can meet in the middle and have both of you be happy = )