I had a very similar situation. My oldest was 1 yr old when we moved, and I was pregnant with my second. My 1st had/has a lot of anxiety issues, so she spent quite a bit of time in our bed. Knowing that she would have a sister sharing her room eventually anyway, when we moved, we added a second bed in her room that one of us would "go to sleep in". That way we were close to her, but it started the weaning process. At first, she wanted to crawl into bed with us, and we let that happen, but only for a few minutes, "okay, but you have to go back to bed when I say so..." We were soon able to leave the room after she fell asleep and find comfort in our own beds. Placing a small fan or air purifier in their room helps create white noise, so we can come and go (and so can the train, it is Edmond after all) without disturbing them. I'm not recommending that you have another to entertain the first, but in my case having them so close together created a lot of diaper time (4yrs of it, they're 13 mos apart), but they have a very close bond. If you try going cold turkey and its just too stressful, then maybe you can incorporate a trundle or day bed into her room - she is a girl afterall, and there will inevitably be sleep-overs, and give that a try. I hope this helps, and good luck! Congrats on your new home!