Mother-in-laws are ALWAYS a pain in the butt.. i had the same problem with mine.. we NEVER got along! She was always sticking her nose in our business.. she is part of the reason I am now an "ex"-daughter in law..lol.. She even got to the point of where she wouldn't except my son because he isn't biologically part of her family.. so she made me and him feel unwelcome everytime we were around.. So i got the point where i didn't want to be around them, and made it clear she couldn't be around my son! It was so bad, that for his first christmas he didn't even get a merry christmas from her... and On his first birthday she only did for him because my family and there family were around.. So she did it for a show! I AM SO GLAD THAT I AM NOT PART OF THAT FAMILY ANYMORE! My son is so much better off with out them.. I hated myself for the longest time for adopting him into a family that treated him so different and like he didn't matter.. but now there not around.. i am so happy that my family loves him and treat him like he is biologically mine! I wouldn't trade him for anything.. But Hunny NEVER Let your mother-in-law treat your kids that way..