Mini Trampoline for 3 and 5 Year Olds?

Updated on November 25, 2011
D.M. asks from Littleton, CO
6 answers

I am considering two mini trampolines's for christmas gifts. One for each child - 3 and 5. Have you ever had one? Did your kids use it? Would you recommend one for this age? I am looking at a 48" one with a bar - indoor use mainly, but could be outside too. I think they would like them, but wonder if you have any experience to share! Thank you : )

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So What Happened?

Thanks everyone. I bought just ONE as they are bulky and it will help them learn to share.

More Answers


answers from Iowa City on

We have one and our 4 year old and 19 month old both bounce on it. The older child says it is her exercise. Now I'm thinking about getting a big outdoor variety this spring/summer for their birthdays since they like the little one. Plus, I kind of want the big one for myself...

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answers from Kansas City on

We don't have one ourselves but our friends do and my kids LOVE it! They are pretty sturdy and good for indoor energy burn! They are pretty bulky though and certainly take over the room they are in, so I might consider one for sharing rather than 2, but it's your house! ;)

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answers from Pittsburgh on

We bought one for my daughter a few years ago and it has gotten quite a but of use. Ours is the Nordictrack like the one Sears has on sale for either $24.99 or $29.99 (I can't remember!). It does not have a bar but my girls are 6 & 9. It is a great way to blow off steam during the winter months when we're stuck inside.

Oh and my girls just share the one. I do not have two.



answers from Beaumont on

Not sure if I'm talking about the same thing you are but we got a "bounce around". An enclosed trampoline with a top and 4 "posts". I'd just get one though, they're pretty big and they'd have more fun jumping together. My boys had one and loved it.



answers from Chicago on

We have one for our two kids and both love it. It's from One Step Ahead and very sturdy. It's taken a lot of play from them and from friends!



answers from Oklahoma City on

We have 2 also. They were supposed to help the boy to calm down when he was feeling out of control and angry. It is like giving him a shot of speed. It rev's him up terribly. She loves it because the one she has has the counter on it, she likes to make a game of it and see how many jumps she can do at one time, the most was around 1500 I think.

They are fun for everyone. There are tons of exercises the kids, or adults, can do on them. You don't need the rail on it, it kind of gets in the way and we removed it. We put it in the middle of the floor and they bounce for quite a while, but he does seem to be wound tighter than ever afterwards, she is not effected like that.

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