Hi L.:
I don't have our electronically any more, but here is the gist of it. Sorry, this will be a bit long. It is titled Emergency Medical Authoriation. The following fields are listed with answers: Child's Name, Date of Birth, Address, Parents' Names, Home Phone, Dad's Cell, Mom's Cell, Dad's Work #, Mom's Work #, Dad's email, Mom's email, Medical Facility (hospital you prefer), Pediatrician's Name, Child's Allergies, Current Prescribed Medications, Child's Special Medical Needs and Condition.
The following paragraph is followed by the parents' signatures and date, as well as the signature of a witness and date.
In the event of an emergency involving my child, or should my child suffer an injury or illness while in the care of (insert caregiver's name/s)and he or she is unable to contact me (us) immediately, he or she shall be authorized to secure such medical attention for my child, as may be necessary. I agree to be fully responsible for all medical expenses incurred during the treatment of my child.
Each child should have their own form.
Have fun in Vegas!!!