For the mastitis, nurse your baby as much as possible. Drink lots of water, and rest rest rest! as much as you can. Some people say, just go to bed with the baby and stay there, nursing, resting & sleeping. Be sure not to bind the breast--go without a bra if you can, or wear only the softest sleep bra if you must. While the baby nurses, gently massage the blocked ducts from behind to encourage it to release. Take a hot shower/bath and massage the sore areas to loosen the blocks. I've had mastitis a couple of times and gotten through it without antibiotics, so it is possible, but it might take a couple of days, and watch out for fever. If the pain is really bad, take Motrin (not Tyelenol), that sometimes helps reduce the inflammation in the breast. Sometimes hot compresses (hot wet towels), sometimes ice packs (bags of frozen peas work great), and sometimes alternating ice packs and hot compresses, on the breast helps the block to release too, and the ice packs will feel nice. Good luck!