Dr. Phil had a show about this within the last couple of months. It was very informative. Go read the story. The show was called "Let's Talk About Sex" (I just looked it up on the site). One of the girls (her name was Robin) was really suffering from a low libido.
Anyway, they did some testing on her and this is what they said about it (the following paragraph is a direct copy and paste from the site):
"One of the levels that we drew is called prolactyn, which is actually a hormone that goes into breastfeeding, but it's a hormone that can also decrease your sex drive, or your libido.” She tells Robin that a normal level is around eight. Anything between 20 to 25 is considered abnormal. Robin’s prolactyn is actually 128."
I thought you might be interested in knowing that there are truly physical things that can cause this.
I have four kids and it's not because I am a crazy sex addict! :)I've always had a slow libido. When I was newly married, I used to think I was "broken". I really beat myself up over this. I actually got jealous of my husband because I wasn't having the satisfaction that he was. Needless to say, I know that sex isn't much fun when you are having a slow or no response on your behalf. Things can always get better, but you have to put some true effort into it. One thing that worked for me was other ways of stimulation. I would make sure to rule out anything physically being wrong.
Being a mom really poops you out. When I've gone whining to my fabulous OBGYN, he has told me several times that scheduling sex isn't a bad idea. I used to think "WHATEVER!", but recently my husband and I actually negotiated days of the week that work for both of us. The negotiation is "frequent enough for him" and "not too frequent for me". Believe it or not there is a happy medium! :) It actually helps me to kind of emotionally prepare for it and get more excited about it during the day when I know that it is going to happen that night.
Libido is a tough subject. There are so many of us that have struggled with this and want to shove it under the rug. Congrats on being brave enough to step up and ask questions. I hope you find the advice you are looking for.