I got my tubes tied back in 05 after my 2nd.... I was 28 at the time... I have not had any side effects of it... yes my period is heavier and I do have worse cramps, but nothing different then before I went on birth control.... I was told the same thing and what I think happens is that we just forgot what our periods were like pre birth control. At least for me, I know the pill helped with cramps and flow, and even regularity. The procedure is so simple now... I don't have any scars from it.... the only thing I would suggest is research the different types of tubals.... I have known a couple women who just had them clipped and the clips fell off. They say that cautarizing (sp) can have more complications during, and that they tubes can fuse back together after time. So do some research do what is best for you. I opted for the cautarization, I was done, and knew I wouldn't be changing my mind. So far so good after 5 years and I wouldn't do anything differently. Hope this helps.
Oh and my mom had a tubal a few years after she had me, she was 22, she's now in her 50's.... she has had no complications or extra heavy periods, or cramps... so those who say the complications happen a while after.... here's one story of no complications after .... 30+ years.