There is a website called mathgoodies.com.
looking for some websites for 3rd grade math and some different fun reading programs for my daughter
There is a website called mathgoodies.com.
Here are some that I have heard about. The mothers who use them seem happy with them.
My children aren't old enough for them yet, but I bookmarked them for later.
Does your school use Schoolnotes.com ? They have some information on the site about homework help etc. It is great the teachers update the page and I am notifed of changes aka homework assignments so Nathan never misses anything. Great idea to suggest if they don't. ANother thing we did was have a college student majoring in education help with some private tutoring once or twice for phonics last year and he has done great. Good Luck
Here is one that helped us with money.http://www.moneyinstructor.com/wsp/wsp0034.asp#WORKSHEET