Hi J.,
You are wise to get a "system" that works for you now.
I've always been a planner-person. I don't go anywhere without it. Back when "palms" became the thing, I tried that and was so frustrated. My husband loved his and we couldn't figure out what my problem was. Then I read an article that made me feel so much better. It said that there are those that thrive with an electronic organizer and other that do best with paper. Us paper-people didn't need to switch just because elec was available. Since then, I've been a happy paper planner lover.
If you choose to use a paper-planner, then my advice should be helpful:
I have a refillable planner that I bought a Walmart many years ago. It has one snap to hold it shut. I would not recommend a zipper closure. You need to be able to open/close it quickly and zippers would slow me down. Also, it is one with just 3 rings. I would stay away from the 7 ring binders because that limits you on your choices of refillable papers. Mine holds about 5 X 7 refillable paper. Smaller and all the entries wouldn't fit, bigger would be harder to bring with me.
In the front I have (from Walmart) "Tabbed 2008 Month-in-view Planning calendar". These are pre-dated calendars. Each month is a 2-page spread. Within each month calendar, each day is a lined square for writing. EVERYTHING goes on these pages. Appointments, school events, business meetings, birthdays, etc. For example, all the information from papers from school go on the calendar and then filed with other school papers for reference if needed. No need to post all the papers on the fridge and keep referring to them, its all in the planner. If something is scheduled early in the day, I write it toward the top of the day's square, evening things are written toward the bottom. To keep organized, I ALWAYS write in straight lines, never diagonal.
After the December calendar is the "2008 Week-in-view Planning Calendar". This 2-page spread has the 7 days of that week. For example, I am looking at the May 12 - 18 week right now. M-F each get 1/3 of the page, S-S share a third. Each day's third has a left side for scheduled things (appts, etc) and a right side for "to do" things. I check things off as completed so a quick glance will tell me what I still need to do. I only cross things off if an appt is cancelled, etc. When a week is finished, I paperclip it to the other finished weeks so when I want to turn to the current week's page, I grab the paperclip and flip it open.
Every Sunday night I transfer the week's info from the monthly calendar to the weekly calendar. The weekly calendar sits open on my desk at all times. My teenagers all know that Mom's calendar is always updated so that is where they look.
Ideally, my husband and I compare calendars once a week to keep each other updated.
What I didn't like about the elec calendars is that I couldn't see a full month view with all its activities listed. When I'm making a hair appt for example, I like to see which day is best at a glance rather than scrolling thru days. Also, I don't have to turn it on, click to see various things, I just flip open my planner and there it is.
What my husband likes about elec planners is that he can sync it with his computer. His calendar and contacts on his computer are always on his phone/planner. That is a very nice feature but not enough to tempt me.
The planner can continue to be expanded to fit your needs. Frequently called numbers, menu planning, shopping lists, etc.
Well, I better stop typing now since there are a few things on my to-do list that don't have check marks yet. :)