I don't understand why they would not do a complete hysterectomy and take the ovaries at age 46. In my opinion, I would not leave them because of risk of ovarian cancer. Check your family history and if anyone has history of breast or ovarian cancer, do the whole thing.
I would be especially concerned about your 61 year old aunt who went 5 years with no period and is now bleeding two weeks at a time. That is no period and she needs to see a gynecologist. That is not normal!
In my field of oncology nursing, I have seen way too many horror stories about long term bleeding, and not removing ovaries when doing a hysterectomy, especially someone in mid to late 40's. I could understand if much younger, the hormonal benefit might outweigh the risk.
There should be no "physiological" reason to be "less of a woman", but psychologically, one may get depressed over the fact they cannot bear children anymore. Hormones can play a part in that, but that can be treated either nutritionally or medically. You need to find the right thing for you.
On the other hand, many women feel much better to be "free" of the fear of getting pregnant. Since you had your tubes tied, you already made that decision.