The results you will get with laser hair removal are dependent on many variables. The way that laser hair removal works is that the laser light is targeted to pigment cells. The energy is imparted to the pigment cells and causes them to explode, thus killing the hair follicle, the part that grows the hair shaft, the part that you see. Laser hair removal only works for dark hair and works best on light skin because the energy is imparted to the hair only and not the skin. The laser does not know the difference between pigment in the hair and pigment in the skin. The laser will also only target hair that is actively growing. At any one time, there is a certain amount of hair that is growing and a certain amount which is dormant. Therefore, multiple treatments are needed to catch hair while it is growing. There are also several different lasers which are used for hair removal and different energy levels which can be programmed into the lasers. One of the best lasers for hair removal is the diode laser. Unfortunately, there is not much other use for the diode laser. IPL systems have been used for laser hair removal with mixed results. The amount of energy which is imparted is also important as the more energy imparted, the more follicles which will be damaged but the higher risk for burn. As you can see, there are many variables in hair removal which will effect the final outcome. I would highly suggest visiting a hair removal center overseen by a dermatologist or plastic surgeon. Meet with the physician and be sure that the settings used for your hair removal are adequate for your goals. Unfortunately, in the final analysis, there are not guarantees.
Be well,
D.J. Verret, MD
Facial Plastic Surgery