Go with either the Bob or The Chariot. If you like to bike at all, get the chariot as you can use it as a bike carrier as well.
I am looking at a jogging stroller for two kids and wanted some recommendations. Price doesn't really matter since I know the nice ones that are good quality last longer and easier to manuerve. I don't really want a side by side because they seem bulky and hard to get through door ways. I just want one stroller to keep in the car for shopping and outside events. Is that too much to ask? My older one gets tired easy and wants to ride, but I didn't know how those sit and stands work on the jogging trail. I probably would not go anywhere that is off terrain just the concrete streets are mostly what I have done in the past. I know there is one company that has the seat behind that's phil and teds. Do you know if it is hard to jog with the smaller kid at your feet? Are there strollers that you love/hate? Please help!
Go with either the Bob or The Chariot. If you like to bike at all, get the chariot as you can use it as a bike carrier as well.
Bob strollers are amazing and resale for at least 75% . But if you are not into spending 500$+ I would stay clear of fixed wheel strollers, it is you to constantly be trying to adjust to curvy roads and sidewalks. Also, I you shop through ebates you can get a % cash back depending, how much back is dependent on which store you shop at. Like kolhs right now is 6% for example. http://www.ebates.com/rf.do?referrerid=%2Fz%2BKcNzOhlZJND.... Here is a link to follow to check it out.
I love my baby trend jogging stoller. It is a single one. If you are looking for outside venues the side by side is the way to go if you want to do the whole jogging thing.
How old are your kids? Are you planning on them being in the stoller at the stores/mall?
I like the sit n stand, from baby trend. We chose a different one, but if I had to do it agian I would do the double sit n stand for the Zoo etc when they are both tuckered out and want to lay back. Mine are 3 years apart and my oldest does a lot of walking on his own now. he can walk the zoo etc.. putting him in the stoller only make it easier for us when he is tired. But we both work so the Zoo etc.. it is almost always both of us.
For jogging stoller, I have lots of good things about BOBs.
Good luck
I LOVE my double Bob! I can steer it with one hand and it fits through doorways.