JFF: How Will You Design Your Dream Home?

Updated on April 26, 2012
M.R. asks from Arlington Heights, IL
13 answers

If you were asked to describe your dream home, how would it be? A bungalow? A farm house? Country manor home? 5 bedrooms? 15 rooms? A library? A nursery? Glass house? Spiral staircase? French windows? Marble floors? Jacuzzi in the bath?
Do take 5 minutes to daydream, mammas... :))

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So What Happened?

I am loving all dream homes.. :)
Me, a nice mid-sized suburban home, 6 bedrooms, 3 baths, a library, a huge fully-updated kitchen, a living space with 20 ft high ceiling, a library, a small nursery ( I can't maintain huge lawns, for the life in me!), a small yard, huge shaded patio, one of those wrought iron spiral staircase, a double car garage, a jacuzzi in the master bath, drive-in closets, and a special nook near the kitchen, just for me! :)
Keep all dream houses coming...lol

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answers from St. Louis on

I would like an older but, updated home by the beach. I want a pool overlooking the ocean. Five bedrooms, three baths, a HUGE modern kitchen with a large island in the center. A BIG master bathroom with a very large tub. A covered outdoor kitchen area near the pool. :) I don't want neighbors too close to us, a private beach area just for us.

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answers from Seattle on

In Northern California. Surrounded by hills...Tall grass and the smell of the ocean...Because we will be very very close to it.

My house itself would be a piece of art work.

I want to have the bottom floor be where everything happens.

The cooler part of it...I want my walls to open Garage door style so that during the day we can have an open lay out between in the inside and out.

The bottom floors plan would be open....Big round cushion couches built in. That are giant. With a Kitchen fit for an executive Chef.

The upstairs would be bedrooms. the boys would be fit for their current age group. Loft styled. Lots of room for them to spread out.

The master suite would be big. With an attached Bathroom that over looks the outside....So I can bask in the beauty of my front/ back and horizonal yard......

I will get there some day...maybe not in the size we will need now...but that means that there would be money left over for decorating:)

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answers from Dallas on

I would like to share Worldof4s dream home. Except during hurricane season.
My more reasonable dream home - I want a one story home in an older established neighborhood with tree lined streets near an artsy colorful community that recycles and has free concerts in the park. I'm thinking near TCU in Fort Worth :) Lush Landscaping, huge mastor suite, fully fitted gourmet kitchen, with a man cave.

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answers from Norfolk on

My dream home floats.

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answers from Iowa City on

I want a passive home with geothermal heating/cooling, a laundry shoot (I have always wanted one) and a big garage for my husband. Three bedrooms, 2 bathrooms. But I could deal with 1 bath. I'm pretty easy to please, I guess.

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answers from New York on

A lesser known and unused castle will do the trick for me. Ample grounds, a maze made of hedgerows. 150+ years old in some forgotten corner of europe thank you. 13+ bedrooms, servants quarters, high ceilings, tapestries, working fireplaces hearths, thick with ivy, plaster embelishments, heavy real wood doors, antiquated one of a kind keys, a pack of hounds, a swim hole, some woods, and a keeper of the clocks (a man employed with the sole task of winding the many clocks).

On a far less grand and ambitious scale, a linen closet added to our current apartment would make me happy.

Thanks for getting the wheels turning.
F. B.

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answers from Pittsburgh on

one thing I know it would have is a HUGE mudroom/dropoff area/organizational zone. My friend built on of these and it is amazing to behold. I would not build a LR and probably not a DR either. Mine are huge spaces that have been used a handful of times in the 8 years I have been in my house. Oh-I would also have and amazing outdoor entertaining area.

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answers from Des Moines on

Hubby and I have the same dream...a log cabin, somewhere on a lake. Quiet and cozy...that's all I want! But...not a tiny cabin...big enough for family to visit.

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answers from Pittsburgh on

I'll worry about that when I win the lottery!

Truthfully, I'd be happy to stay right where I am until we retire.
And THEN, I'll have a jacuzzi and more closets!

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answers from Houston on

1 story , lots of land, big closets and island kitchen, giant shower with 2 heads on opposite sides. Greenhouse outside , swimming pool with rock slide. Nothing millionaire ish, homey

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answers from Austin on

I love my tiny townhome just wish the patio was larger.

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answers from San Francisco on

M. R you win for JFF of the day :)

I am pretty much continuously designing my dream home... and with Pinterest it's down right obscene!

Elements inlcude:

One story
U-shaped Open Floor Plan
Courtyard with pool and jacuzzi
Large fully equipped kitchen with huge island/seating
Doors onto yard/garden WHEREVER POSSIBLE - must be able to take morning cup of coffee directly outdoors as often as possible
Formal Dining room - let me have space to host a dinner for once!!
Master suite AWAY from everything and everyone else :)
Covered porches/patios
Amazing garden/plantings/yard that someone helps me keep alive - I'll pull the weeds.
Kids rooms with giant murals of their choice
Interesting, comfortable, practical furniture
Excellent lighting plan
Excellent storage
Reading room/library
Steam room
Craft/sewing room
Tree house
Large workshop for husband and his boats
Stone fireplace(s)
Brick path to somewwhere
Lots of guestrooms to decorate and house anyone, anytime
Greenhouse for passive solar heating, plus lots of indoor plants throughout
3 acre minimum

And a cleaning lady!

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