Maybe she is just leaving this to the guys to arrange. Maybe she has a husband who would feel that she was unnecessarily "checking up on him" if she called you to double-check HIS arrangements with your husband. Not with you -- with your husband. Some people would be ticked if their spouse seemed to be calling around about their own arrangements, as if the spouse were indicating "You're not able to arrange this on your own."
You don't even sound especially close to this woman, though you take pains to mention more than once that you and she do most of the arranging, etc. But if you were very close, well, none of this would matter. It feels a bit like score-keeping, to be honest: "Her husband called mine, so she should call me too." And the call from the other week that she didn't return (which was nothing to do with this guys' sleepover) -- you protest that it didn't bother you at all, right? But if it didn't -- why bring it up?
I think you need to let this one go. As long as your husband is helping with all the arrangements, and the guests aren't putting you out of your bed -- what's the big deal? I don't see how she's using you horribly as someone insisted in one post; they can't read her mind. She just sounds a tad flaky about calls and really not that close to you.
Just because you feel sure she would never agree to host your husband and kids if the situation were reversed, is that a reason for you to deny her husband and kids the chance to stay? Again, that would be score-keeping. You also say you'd never invite your husband and kids to her house like this -- but what matters here is: Would your husband do that?
Leave this between the guys. But it sounds like you have a lot of underlying dislike of this woman overall, and not just for this one incident.