Is My 19 Month-old Ready for Potty Training?

Updated on June 24, 2009
B.B. asks from Lolo, MT
17 answers

Hi Mom,
I have a 19 month-old son who pooped in the potty today. We are not actively potty training him, I just noticed him starting to go, asked if he wanted to go on the potty and he said yes. He often tries to find privacy to poop, and usually asks to be changed afterward, but he is still pretty young, and I don't want to rush anything. Is he ready to potty train? I would love any advice from moms who have been trough the potty training years since this is totally new for me.

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answers from Denver on

Yes, absolutely he is ready! If he is showing interest and is willing to sit on the potty and even comfortable enough to "go" in it, then definitely run with it and start potty training now while he is interested. I could have started potty training my son around 17-18 months because he was showing interest. I waited until he was 23 months and within 2 months he was potty trained. Don't believe the myth that boys are harder to potty train and you have to wait - it's NOT true! Good luck!



answers from Denver on

I'll share my experience with two...both of them at 20ish months showed extreme interest, and even went a few times. And just as quickly as the interest began, it stopped. And then it took another year before they were trained fully and at their own pace.

DD trained entirely on her own and has been 100% accident free. I never did the timed potty thing, forced her to sit or even asked her to sit. I let her lead and when she was 100% ready she was 100% trained.

DS has gone back and forth a couple times from extreme interest to extreme disinterest. And again, his choice. It's all a part of the learning process. You don't learn to walk overnight or speak overnight. Going on the toilet is the same way.

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answers from Denver on

My kids were potty trained very early, at their own volition. I would say embrace his cues and help him make it to the bathroom. The one downside, is when they have to go, they have to go and you need to hurry and my daughter was too little to go by herself ever, when she was potty trained. out of my four kids three were completely done with potty training between 14-22 months. One out of the four would still be wearing diapers if I did not start forcing the issue at age three. :)



answers from Casper on

I would say if he's interested let him start. At this point it's more of an intro. Anytime you take his diaper off (changes, baths, etc) have him sit on the potty. If/when you decide he might be ready for undies dont put him back in diapers except to sleep. If you can, have him play naked so he can see WHAT happens WHEN it happens (even if it's an accident). Then, underwear gives him the feeling of being wet that a diaper doesnt provide...Pull-ups are just like diapers and kids learn that fast. At the beginning it will be you telling him it's time for a potty break and then once he understands what to do he'll then learn to hold his pee between potty breaks. THEN he will be able to tell YOU when he needs to go. Keep going on his lead for now and when you feel he's ready, take that leap and never look back! My son learned to poop before pee but most of the kids I've trained have a harder time with pooping on the potty. Good luck and have the carpet cleaner ready just in case!



answers from Salt Lake City on

He is young. And I'm not big on potty training kids young. However, some kids are ready early and he might be ready. Follow his lead. If you see him starting to poop and he agrees, let him do it in the potty. But if he says no, don't push it. That will just turn him off.
He may actually learn to go potty, or this may just be a new thing that wears off soon. Either way, go with what he wants for now.



answers from Grand Junction on

Hi B.,
Americans are strange about some of these things. In many foreign countries children are "potty" trained at the age of 2-4 months (yes, that's months) because they don't have the conveniences we do regarding diapers etc. Our daughter trained early but our son has been later. I wished I would have started sooner with him so I could have tucked all that diaper money away for a vacation and been done with the mess. I go girl times awasting!! Blessings, L.



answers from Cheyenne on

Yes...I trained my son starting at 13 months! I've posted how I did it on several occasions, so check out my responses in my profile for ideas on how to get it done!!! Good luck! It is the best thing I have ever done!

S., 26, mom of 19-month-old son and another son due in Aug



answers from Denver on

It sounds like he is showing signs of readiness. I would go with those signals and support him in using the potty. With encouragement, he may well become trained early on. If you don't pressure him with expectations or pushing, I am guessing you may be pleasantly surprised! At the same time, if he turns away from it, you need to accept that too.




answers from Salt Lake City on

Nearly all children are ready between 20 and 30 months of age. Some parents start closer to 20 months and have success, and some begin near 20 months and it takes them ten months to complete the process.

Personally, I adivse parents to begin when they are darn sure their child is ready, and then do an intensive, 3-day training session. It is intense for a few days, but then it is taken care of.

Your son is showing some signs of readiness, but if you really want the process to go quickly and smoothly, you may want to wait a bit longer just to make sure. Then the training will be efficient and over with fast.

Hope this helps,

S. Wenger
Professional Parent Coach



answers from Denver on

We like "Toilet Training in a Day". I don't remember the author. It says it's 90% effective for kids at 20 months. We did it just after birthdays, but only because that's when we could take the time to do it. You can get the book at most any library. I have a friend who has done it with 5 kids, and she does it right at 20 months, or shortly after. GL!



answers from Provo on

19 months is really young especially for a boy. My daughter was using the toilet before she was walking and so you know it does happen. It sounds like he is giving you a lot of positive signs. If he is ready it will show. If you start to feel frustrated or if he feels frustrated then let it go for a few months. If he has a strong leader's personality then he is ready. Don't feel like their is one absolute age to do anything. Smart people forge their own path.



answers from Flagstaff on

I would go for it, keeping a relaxed attitude. We did elimination communication (EC) starting at 5 months with my 18-mo-old daughter; the main thing with EC is to stay relaxed & follow her cues. At this age my daughter stays diaper-free at home & takes herself to the potty almost every time. Lately she's even been holding it while she's in diapers away from home; she's done it even younger but now it's pretty regular that she'll keep a dry diaper. Even if your son doesn't progress too quickly, every poopy diaper that's avoided is great!



answers from Denver on

My daughter is 21 months and is also showing signs of wanting to use the potty too. I think as long as it's fun and you can handle it go for it. My older son was much later, but I can't see any harm in doing it now if he is leading it. The summer is a great time to let them be outside without a diaper and really get the hang of it. It is pretty easy to clean up and you can even get the portable potty out there too in order to get the hang of that aspect. However, it works out just remember that there is no rush; and if it's too much for you or he to deal with drop it for a while.



answers from Billings on

My kids have never potty trained that early, do to medical. My son is 3 and I would love to have him trained, but my bestfriend has three kids, and had them all potty trained by the time they were 2. When her kids could walk, talk and understand things, she would ask, same as you, they said yes and she went with it. I say if he is willing, go with it. It will make training alot easier, then having to fight with him to get him trained.



answers from Casper on

I've heard of a daycare where the lady keeps potties around the room and has everyone go every 30 minutes. If your son really doesn't like it on him he may just be ready.



answers from Denver on

I don't think it's too young for your son to start training. My daughter started showing interest in the toilet at about 13-14 mos old. Unfortunately her daycare wouldn't potty train until she was 18 mos. The minute she was old enough, we started in earnest to train her and within no time at all she was going regularly on the toilet(note she continued to have accidents off and on until she was about 2 1/2 though). My son just turned 22 mos this week and we are going to start training him more religiously this month. He's been going on the toilet occasionally in the AM before daycare and the evenings before bath/bed. Good luck!



answers from Missoula on

Gotta cute frog you could borrow ;)

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