It could definitely be teething. We also let my son suck on a frozen washcloth. Also, Advil worked for us much better than Tylenol. Just a thought. Good luck.
Hello. I need advice.
My son is almost 8 months old. He has no teeth yet. He has been snot nosed and just really unhappy to for past two weeks. Cranky is a nice way to put it, because its kind of horrible. He doesnt have a fever, but I took him to the doctor last week to make sure he doesnt have an ear infection. The doctor said his ears and throat look perfect. He even made sure he didnt have a hernia that could be causing him pain. He basically said he just thinks its a combination of a cold and teething.
So basically, if Im not holding my son hes usually screaming, and sometimes that doesnt even work. Im even holding him now while Im typing! He wont let me lay him down for naps, and if he does finally fall asleep its for like a half hour and then he wakes up screaming. I have been giving him stuff for pain and it doesnt seem to help.
So my question is, Is this typical behavior for teething or should I be worried about something else? Hes not sleeping very good which makes him even crabbier. The doctor said to bring him back if he gets a fever, but he hasnt.
I want to go out and buy one of those baby carrier things so I can get something done. Even though hes HUGE. And I dont want him in pain all the time!
My daughter never went through this, I mean she did teethe, but not like this!! Its horrible!!! Help!
Alright Ladies, I want to thank you all very much for your support and advice. I was planning on taking my son back to the doctor this weekend to make sure he was still ok. Everything was well until about Saturday night, he started fussing and screaming again. So I told myself, after quite a few of my family members (including my husband) told me to quit freaking out about him, I was taking him back to the doctor anyways no matter what anyone says. Our co-pay is $5, the office is like 30 seconds away, and if nothings wrong I will just get my daughter fitted for a bike helmet (they do that at our ped's office), so either way it wouldnt be a wasted trip. Three words.....DOUBLE EAR INFECTION!!! Yeah what if I would have listened to everyone that told me to stop freaking out?!?! SO lesson learned here Moms, go with your gut and dont let people tell you otherwise. And the baby carrier? I will be carrying him around in it, because I feel so stinking bad for him!!! Thanks again ladies!!
It could definitely be teething. We also let my son suck on a frozen washcloth. Also, Advil worked for us much better than Tylenol. Just a thought. Good luck.
Sounds to me like he could have an ear infection. I would take him back to the doctor, even if he does not have a fever.
Its possible he could be teething, are his cheeks red? It could be just the start of the teething. You can go to walgreens and get the Hylands teething tablets, they dissolve in the babys mouth. I would give my son tylenol and teething tablets and he would relax soon after I gave him the teething tablets, they are ok to give and very natural, nothing in them will hurt the baby. It helped my son everytime he would be cranky due to teething. You can always get a teething ring that you put in the fridge, having something cold on his gums will feel good. You can always wet a cold facecloth and put it in a baggie in the freezer makeshift teething toy.
Unfortunately, many kids have a VERY ROUGH time teething. My first would pop a couple through with very little complaint. My second he would teethe FOREVER to get on tooth through! & nothing (orajel, tylenol, etc.)really helped. I would still use it but it didn't seem to do a lot of good. I don't know how you feel about table food, but my youngest teethed on frozen Go-Gurts as the cold helped his gums & he actually got a little something in his stomach so it helped the crabby/misery abit because he wouldn't eat well when teething. Alot of people will probably think this is horrible, but he also teethed on frozen waffles (still frozen). He loved them & it helped so much. He also teethed on a wet wash cloth that I would put in the freezer for just a few minutes to get it cold - not frozen.
We have been going through the very same thing with our little boy. He is 7 1/2 months and has been teething for the last several weeks. I can't get him to stop crying either. He doesn't want to eat very much and we are having the same issue with him not sleeping. I took him to the dr. thinking he had ear infection too, but was told it was a cold/teething! I just keeping giving him tylenol and a washcloth which he seems to like. Just wanted to let you know that I understand what your going through and I think teething for some kiddos is just like this!!
I think your doctor is right. That sounds just like my son when he was teething and got a cold on top of it! I totally recommend buying a sling, Mei Tai, Ergo, or whatever kind of carrier would work for you. Wearing my baby is the only way I get anything done, ESPECIALLY when he isn't feeling well! http://www.wearyourbaby.com is a great resource to help you find the carrier that will work best for you.
I hope your little guy gets back in tip-top shape soon!
I'm so sorry you're going through that. What are you giving him for pain? Maybe call your pediatrician back (or talk to one of the nurses) and see if they have any other advice they can give you...I now my son (he's 2) is very sensitive to pain so whenever he has a tooth coming in or hurts himself he's very crabby as well...I know it can be very frustrating...hang in there and good luck!
I would say it is just his teeth. My little guy cut two teeth at 6 months and now is cutting 4 more teeth. He is pretty happy in general and a great baby. But the last two weeks i can't catch his nose and he has a cough and is very irritable. I took him to the dr to just make sure it wasn't a ear infection and it isn't. He doesn't have a fever either. I would say he is just teething. We give devin Motrin and use baby orajel on his gums. Sometimes he will chew on a frozen teether and other times he prefers us to massage his gums. Unfortunaltey until his tooth or teeth brake thru you won't get anyting done because they don't feel good and want there mommies for comfort. So i wouldn't be concerend our son does the same thing :) Good luck
Hi Mo-
I'm mostly writing to commisserate! I was actually going to post similar problems with my 2 y/o son, although it's only at night. He's been getting up like every 2 hours and needing to be held, and like you said sometimes even that doesn't help. I've been thinking it's from him cutting his molars, and I give him either Tylenol or Motrin and Orajel before bed, but it doesn't seem to help. I sure hope it's teething in both our cases! I'm going to read the rest of your responses looking for help too. Good luck to us all!!
Good Morning Mo, Is your little guy eating ok? Or acting like he has a tummy ache? I know teething for some children is a horrible experience. Take for ever for those tiny pearls to pop through. I was thinking of colic though, since he won't sleep and wants to be held a lot. Have you tried a baby swing with music on it to help soothe and keep him moving? If it is teething have you tried using the night time Baby Orajel?
I am at a loss on this one Mo, I might just take him back to the Dr. even though there is no fever. Both of you need some relief.
Best of everything to you Mo, hopefully all these terrific Mama's will have better advice or information.
God Bless
K. Nana of 5
Have you tried giving him teething tablets? They're pretty inexpensive ($5 for a bottle of 150) and last forever...I know you can find them at Target, usually right next to the pharmacy desk. That's the only thing that would give my son relief when he was teething. He got 2 at a time (they dissolve on the tongue) about every 5 hours or so.
I am going to add to what Barbera J said, but soak the washcloths in chammomile tea then freeze. The herb helps to sooth the gums and helps to relieve the pain.
My little guy (7mo old) has the same runny nose and cough and acts as though he is teething as well, but he isn't. I talked to my dr and she said that this age at this time of year is aweful for babies. With the tempurature changing from hot to chilly day by day can wreak havoc on their little immune systems and this is how their bodies adjust to the change in temps and the different pollens floating in the air. Try running a cool mist humidifier in his room when he is sleeping. The moisture will help break up the oogyboogies and help drain better. I would definately get a carrier and keep him with you. He will feel secure, as well as sitting up will help drain that ickyness from his head better. HTH.
I don't know if your son has the same problem that mine did when he was about that same age but...oh my goodness...he used to cry all the time. I couldn't lay him down either and, you are right; it is really awful!
I started observing my son in his crib when he was crying (no...I didn't let him cry too long but..long enough to see if I could figure out what he might be focusing on.) I noticed that he was grabbing at his feet. I looked to see if he had a splinter or something in them but couldn't find anything.
Finally, when he started walking a friend noticed that his feet were crooked (I couldn't believe I didn't notice that myself) and said her son had the same problem (even to the constant crying when he was little.) I took my son to the Dr. and found that the bones in his feet were actually crooked and he had to wear corrective shoes for quite a long time. He is grown and married now but says that his feet still cause him a lot of pain.
Anyway..that would be my suggestion (to observe what he might be focusing on when he is crying.) Something must be causing him pain. Also, I would ask my Dr. if he could suggest some type of tests to find out what might be causing his pain.
Maybe it's his tummy? Gas? COnstipation? Ask the doctor.
Hi, when was the last time you took him to the doc? You might want to go back and have the ears checked again. Good luck, it can be so frustrating!
Could it be gas?
It sounds to me like it is teething. I'm sorry that you and your little one are having a rough time of it!
Like others said, cold washcloths, frozen waffles, cold teethers are all great. My mom said that I cut my teeth on a whole pickle! (I don't think I'll try that one until I'm really desperate!)
I've also heard that pediatric chiropracters can help. I've never brought my kids to one, but I've heard great things about them, even in the area of teething. Have you considered it? It might work for both of you to have some peace, quiet, and sleep.
My daughter is almost 9 months, and we went through the same thing a few weeks back. I ran cool humidifier for her nose, and gave her Tylenol before bed. That would usually buy us three or four hours. When she'd wake (almost every two hours), I'd give her homoepathic teeting drops - I think my hubby found them at Target, but Walgreens also carries them. (They have Pooh and Tigger on the label.) These seemed to really calm her down and help her sleep again. She usually uses her pacifier at night, but when she's cutting front teeth, it evidently doesn't feel so soothing anymore. During the day, her swing helped a lot so I could get things done, and we'd wrap our finger in a burp rag and let her gnaw away. She liked this better than any toy or frozen ring we gave her! The orajel swabs were good when she wouldn't take her bottle - it numbed them just enough so she could suck without hurting. Hope this helps!
Hey Mo, it could be just teething, but it could be a case of seperation anxiety too. We went through this and it does pass, but it's really inconvenient. I know babycenter.com has some articles on dealing with that and I have a hip carrier that came in handy. It can hold up to 30#'s. I think mine's from playtex, but I know there are others out there.
Good luck!